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The benefits of Creative Robotics™: here!


CR8® Like No Other





We are the ORIGINAL Creative Robotics™ (CR8®, Cre8tiv RobotiX™), in the making since 2003. Using our unique, home-brew, time-tested and of course, legally Copyrighted (©) syllabus, we teach kids the fun way, making them "want to learn" (good), as opposed to "have to learn" (not-so-good). Each 2-hour class (called Missions™) presents a new problem for kids to solve creatively. Please check for the appropriate time slot with the CR8® Center nearest to you.


We group our students into the following levels:

Apprentice (Beginner)

Cyber Knight (Intermediate)

Cyber Lord (Advanced)


Please Contact us for the fee structure or visit Why Creative Robotics™? for more information.


CR8 Quote


Our training structure is simple and effective - it promotes creativity, problem solving, logical thinking, thinking both in and out of the box, teamwork, fun learning and most of all - robotics. It's our trademark, our secret recipe (and, it's Copyrighted (©))! Watch as your child becomes more intelligent, outgoing, logical and - most importantly, creative, - in just months!





CR8® (pronounced "create", from "CRe" and "8" in "Cre8tiv RobotiX™") Syllabus make use of a number of educational platforms. We have tried and tested these platforms for years and have found them to be ideal for helping your child grow and develop mentally and physically.




CR8 LEGO Raptor


We recommend the RCX based 9794 Team Challenge Set for both beginners and advanced students. This set, based on the RIS 2.0 kit provides a very good basis for those who are new in the field of robotics to get a step-hold; and on the same note, the kit is well advanced enough to keep advanced students busy.


When you start playing with this LEGO® set, a whole new world will unfold before your very eyes - a world of limitless possibilities. To sum it up, here's why we favor the RCX based sets for beginners:

  • RCX sets has been (and still is) a popular choice for many national & international competitions.
  • LEGO® is highly modular - a simple robot can be put together in (about) THREE minutes!!!
  • Programming LEGO® robots is also very easy - can be done in a zippy ONE minute!!!
  • The hardware & peripherals for LEGO® sets are all compatible with each other.
  • The simple component interface makes it very easy to build robots.

Sadly, the legacy RCX system was discontinued and replaced with the newer and far more powerful NXT and EV3. Read on!


To learn more about the RCX set, check out this link:




CR8 Runner NX


Despite being harder to adept to for newbies (nearly studless construction), robots built with the NXT system tend to be both physically and computationally superior - they have a good degree of brains AND brawn!


With a faster processor and more powerful data handling capabilities, the NXT serves as a versatile platform for our students. Here are some of the LEGO® Mindstorms® NXT's strengths over the older, RCX system:

  • Powerful & Accurate Interactive Servomotors.
  • Powerful & Self-Contained Microcontroller (the NXT Brick).
  • 32-Bit CPU. Suffice to say, "it's powerful".
  • Humongous Memory Capacity (for a so-called "child's plaything").
  • Large Sensor Arsenal. You can even develop your own sensors!
  • Bluetooth® Connectivity.
  • Large, Dot-Matrix LCD display.
  • USB Connectivity.
  • "Polyphonic" Speaker.
  • Integrated Rechargeable Lithium Cell.
  • The NXT-type construction techniques - though hard to muster/master - are often robust & efficient.


To learn more about the NXT set, check out this link:


We strongly recommend LEGO® Mindstorms® (RCX & NXT) kits for a large range of projects. Why?

  • Extremely easy to learn, but takes years to master.
  • The LEGO® system's modular designs can easily be modified on the spot.
  • Despite its modularity, LEGO® systems can easily be made extremely robust.
  • The RCX & NXT intelligent (microcontroller) bricks are self-contained and very powerful.
  • The LEGO® programming environment is extremely powerful, yet easy to learn.
  • LEGO® robotics products are getting more and more hi-tech by the year.
  • Studies show that LEGO® helps build hand-eye coordination - read about it here.
  • LEGO® is ever-popular and ever-available worldwide.
  • Even MIT uses LEGO® to help teaching - see for yourself here.
  • The list can go on and on if we cared to try.
  • See the LEGO® web site for yourself here.




CR8 HunaRobo Scorpion


CR8® is the authorized sole distributor of HunaRobo systems in Malaysia. We offer different "flavours" of this incredibly priced, versatile kit. Its powerful and flexible microcontroller, motors and sensors can be used not just with the parts in the kit, but can be adapted to suit all sorts of applications. Furthermore, advanced users can create and interface their own circuitry and peripherals.


CR8® | MyBot™ Workshop


CR8 HexBot


Learn to build your very own robot using discrete electronics components! Program the robot using the legendary PICBASIC PRO (text based) programming language. Learn what a resistor, capacitor or microcontroller does and how to use them to build your very own mechanical critter!






Kodu Game Lab is a visual programming language that allows anyone, even those without programming knowledge and experience, to create rich 3D games. Kodu uses intuitive icons to control the characters and objects with character behaviours expressed in physical terms. Students as young as 5 have been able to create simple games on their own. Originally named Boku, the Kodu provides an end-to-end creative environment for designing, building, and playing your very own games. Cool!




We also provide special training for competitions, but that will require special arrangements - don't worry! It's as simple as giving us a call or email and arranging the details. Find out more here. Among the list of competitions/activities can help you with are:

-- Kreative Kodu Kup, K-Cube (K3) Competition

-- CR8® World Creative Robotics Challenge (WCRC)

-- The Kodu Kup

-- National Robotics Competition (NRC)

-- World Robot Olympiad (WRO)

-- International Robot Olympiad (IRO)

-- FIRST LEGO League (FLL)

-- Club Competitions

-- Rekacipta Competitions

-- Warman

-- World Robo Masters Cup (WRMC)

-- Solar Racer Competitions

-- Solar Boat Competitions

-- Final Year Projects*

-- And many, many more!


* Remember - we can only help you by providing sources for components or by helping you complete your project. Terms and conditions apply - contact us to find out more! Your project must also be reasonable (enough time, budget, etc.).



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LEGO® Mindstorms RCX

LEGO® Mindstorms NXT

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Why Robotics?

Hand-eye Coordination

Even MIT uses LEGO®