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RULES & REGULATIONS Here is the chance for you to write your own story featuring yourself (or your own characters)! The competition is called A Robot Story, because you have to include robotic elements in the story! For example, you could write about a world taken over by Cardboard Terminators, or the world where humans are the bad guys and try to wipe out the Earth with over-development; the robots – who possess more common sense – try to stop them. The theme is up to you. Graphic Novels (comics) are also accepted without question! Just remember to keep to the following guidelines: 1) The novel/story/essay must feature robotic elements. 2) Try to include as many as possible of the following genres: Action, Comedy, Horror, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Mystery, Fantasy etc. 3) The longer your story/graphic novel, the better! Just let your imagination wonder freely and creatively! Your story stands a chance to be turned into a movie/animation and posted on YouTube OR the best stories might be compiled into a book. 4) Your submission must be original and plagiarism (copying blindly) is strongly discouraged. 5) The novel should be at least a page (A4) long, using the Times New Roman font size 12, about 1.15 spacing, but handwritten submissions are allowed just as well. 6) You are prohibited from using any form of slander and/or badmouthing. 7) The submission date is: 15th August 2009. 8) There are TWO categories – Primary and Secondary. Each category has Gold, Silver, Bronze and three Excellence Awards. 9) The judges’ decision is final. 10) You can submit your creation personally when you come for class, or send it via e-mail to jun@creativerobotics.com.my
TOP 10 AWARDS Congratulations to these students - they produced excellent depictions of how robots will fit in our daily lives, be it now or in the future!
CONSOLATION Congrats to you guys too! Your essays or drawings were great, but might have been a little off topic (in BM - terpesong!).
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