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Current location: CR8® Online | Home | Personal Robot (PR) Concept

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© 2008 Creative Robotics.

Once upon a time, the Personal Computer (PCs) were considered to be among the greatest things the world has ever seen. It caused a large turning point in man's technological advancement. PCs could calculate gigantic equations in a fraction of a second, seemingly perform multiple tasks at a time, display graphics and make sounds and much more.

Right about now, a similar turning point is not far away - the Personal Robot (PR) is right round the corner. PRs are expected to be low cost and versatile. They'd probably be humanoid in form. They needn't be large - child size - about 130cm - would be sufficient. They needn't be made of metal, modern plastics are up to the standards required.

Among the things PRs could do in the near future include:

-- Getting you drinks from the fridge

-- Turning appliances on or off when you tell them to

-- Getting the morning paper

-- Washing your dishes and putting the clothes out to dry

-- Giving you a massage

-- Watching over your home when you're away

-- Making the bed

-- Learn new tasks easily by following your example

-- The list could go on depending on your requirements


Ideally, the robot could be easily reprogrammed or taught to perform new tasks; who said an old robot can't learn new tricks? Here at Creative Robotics, we've also tinkered in the PR concept - as early 15, Master Trainer Khong Yee Jun - with the help of his family - created prototype butler robots that though remote controlled, can perform basic tasks like escorting guests, getting the morning paper, serving a drink and guarding a room.


The results of our tinkering in PRs - Robo Twelvean (left) and J5 (right)
Robo TwelveanJ5



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